WordCamp 2019 - WP Headless and Gatsby
July 21, 2019•260 words
Why headless
- Security
- static files
- no data
- separate concerns
- Performance
- cdn integration
- scalability
- market is improving
- Cost
- lean infrastructure
- free is possible
- flexible
Chrome, NodeJS, NPM, GIT, (?NVM)
using Gutenberg
Gatsby is a React-based, GraphQL powered, static site generator
- npm install -g gatsby-cli (for global)
- gatsby new workshop-wordpress-gatsby-react (to scaffold site)
- cd into then npm install
- gatsby develop (to start server)
- npm install --save gatsby-source-wordpress
- once you install plugins, gatsby has to be reloaded
- you have to set up the config file for the specific site you want that gatsby-source-(wordpress) to connect to
- gatsby-source seems to pull data in right away - FROM THE REST API, you don't even have to mess with the GraphQL plugin on the WP side eg https://wcpboston.eelab.space/wp-json/${Manufacturer}/v2/${Endpoint} == { allWordpress${Manufacturer}${Endpoint} { edges { node {}}} (nb: Next.js allows you to push data back to server) #### super interesting plugins
- https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-source-shopify/?=source
- https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-source-mysql/?=source
for Vue instead
or https://gridsome.org/ for Vue
Nuxt is the thing -- https://nuxtjs.org/
handled by Gatsby from REST API
gatsby build will save down all content to rendered files in /public
good question about previewing content since it will be distinct front end - gutenberg helps a lot with that, basically the same as how we are using VisualCustom whatever
npm website scraper to grab static
serverless js - https://serverless.com/framework/
https://github.com/jdub233/PAGE-CAPTURE-S3 LAMBDA TO CAPTURE