WordCamp 2019 - Stop Guess: Diagnosing and Fixing WP Performance
July 21, 2019•244 words
Why performance matters
"2.7 seconds for load time" - maybe
- conversions
- wp admin being slow
- customer perception
- Google rank
- satisfaction
- speed == happiness
- habituation
Rough ranges with page caching turned off:
- very fast 50
- fast 150
- good 300-500 <-- and up should be
- average 500
- slow 700
- very slow 1.5
page perf extension in Chrome will show a summary of TTFB etc
- Native and first and repeat view
- TTFB and speed index calculated number
- waterfall view looks really good
- can capture video/filmstrip view
- application.jstart.org - http://webpagetest.org/result/190721_3Y_2071e869919fb12919c4b79138294f7d/
- www.jstart.org - http://webpagetest.org/result/190721_CN_4e69ab72b80af269880cc08b3b30cec8/
- my.jstart.org - http://webpagetest.org/result/190721_GG_fc955bbd9cb9ddd276859dbac3936a67/ don't use GTmetrix ## Hosting is a big deal
- hardware/networking
- server configuration
- nginx/phpFPM is faster
- cPanel is slower (about 2x slower)
- server load
- instances
- shared/dedicated/vps - dedicated and vps are about flexibility, not performance (well, and cost per performance)
- v managed
- reviews:
- New Relic is great
- need root level access
- super clear output of exactly what plugins are going slow
- doesn't use New Relic anymore because host speed up so much
- Pantheon and Kinsta are also super fast
- HTTP/2 is almost twice as fast ## page load speed Imsanity can handle image compression ## caching "meant to scale website, not serve speed per se" last resort logged in pages