AWS Summit 2019 - Session 4: We Power Tech
June 17, 2019•430 words
On Ramps to Careers (DC)
- Robert Holm
- Chisom Njoku
- Diamond Green
saw gangs, realized youth want exciting future
segregation in DC (won't name it)
- marketing/social media previous
- homeland security was second internship (HR db)
- time-management skills Chisom
- Lion inc
- Gamification app based on passed performance of clients
- Made a db of employee strengths
- wants to be CIO
Start young with motivating people, look for more internship AND voluntter opportunities #todo
Internship guidelines
- Engage big institutions
- ... one team at a time
- Use intermediaries to accelerate relationship with other orgs
- Make genuine connections - bring them into your world
- ask about personal life too
- working with women was a big deal for Diamond, like mentors (fishing trip story, different relationships to management)
- Engage professionals of color (and women etc, looking for inclusion)
- not only for inclusion but they tend to be better champions and passionate
“The Inclusive Technology + Entrepreneurship Movement”
Sustainable Inclusive tech ecosystem
Kahiga Tiagha - lawyer then went and got AWS Certified
What convinces you?
- The stats
- growth of tech jobs
- population changes in time
- The brands
- big companies shifting culture beyond degrees
- Annecdotal evidence
- stories as proof (Deonn)
- Pivoting (Baila)
- reskilling - MarvaLisa and Fortran
- degree/skill distinction - Fawaaz has 1st MBA, still no luck, got Cert as extra inducement
Certifications > degrees
Not enough to get Certs:
- exposed to culture of tech (like hackathons) and progressive exposure to employeers
- reverse career fairs bringing in people, keeping pressure low
Partnerships not only on content, but on supports like transitioning to IT field, connecting with others for support, culture change
Per Scholas
tech training for adults 18+
random control trials - 3 trials in 25 years
1. able to move people from dependency on public benefits
2. move people into the tech space
80% of grads find jobs in tech
to change:
- switched to asset based language from deficit based language
- most people need opportunity to answer their motivation
- national convos around Diverse by Design
- working with companies directly
- Jeffersonian Dinner once a year Check Per Scholas for SF folks Per Scholas works with employers to make curriculum Collaborate, teach, match ### Collaboration collab with AWS and BNY Mellon Tech Systems - global hiring providers they hosted a pilot in Baltimore, Zabaria's story 30% women enrolled in Per Scholas right now